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Senior pictures are important. What you get when you book your senior portrait session with me....

Writer's picture: Erica McBrideErica McBride

Senior girl beach picture

Are your senior pictures important?

The Short Answer... Absolutely, Yes!

The Long Answer... Keep Reading.

Finally, it is here! Your senior year. Your year. Everything that you have worked for through your years of schooling has brought you to this moment. You are on in the spotlight. All eyes are on you now as you go through your last year. Questions about future plans and the excitement of your next chapter becomes conflicted with the sadness of the ending of the current chapter that you are in. You will go through your senior year experiencing several "lasts"... your last game on your school's field with your peers cheering, last band performance at the football game, last homecoming, last prom, etc. It is bitter sweet time for sure.

Your senior pictures are not just a rite of passage.

They tell your story.

They will become part of your life story.

senior girl in woods with sunflare

This is one of the only times in your life that it is all about YOU! The next time you are photographed will probably be on your wedding day. That is crazy to think, right? Your wedding day is about you , but also your spouse, and pictures include the family and friends that share your day. Senior pictures are really the one time you get to have a session where the main focus is you!! A chance to showcase how you have grown, your interests, your style, and who you are in this moment of your life.

Getting senior photos done should be fun and a celebration of you graduating high school! They mark a huge milestone in your life! You’ve gone through all of elementary school, middle school, and high school, so celebrate it! There is a certain nostalgia when you look back at photos in your life; baby photos, any old family photos, school photos, and you’ll definitely be looking back on your senior pictures when you’re older to remember who you were when you were a senior! If you don’t get senior photos done, you’ll regret it when you want to reminisce back on your high school days!

You have come a long way baby! Be proud, document this time in your life and show the world who you are!

senior boy in city at loading dock

What do you get when you book your senior pictures?

What you get and what photographers offer their clients vary. I will say this you sometimes will get what you pay for. Do your research. Check their style. Make sure it coincides with yours. Remember these are pictures that you will keep and look back on.

Here is what you get when you book with Erica McBride Photography

Beyond what I of my clients with my session fee, there some things that are unseen that are just, if not more important that you get...

  • Consistency. Probably the most important in my opinion. What you see is what you get, and as a result you know how your images will look when you get them. I don't over edit or use presets. Sure I will soften skin and take away that random pimple, but your pictures will be clean, bright, and true to how they should look. I am not interested in the latest fad, I want my images to be timeless so that when you look back on them they are a true representation of you.

  • Fun, and low stress. High school seniors are hands down my favorite! Generally, they are happy and excited and want to get their pictures done. Guys aren't as excited as the ladies, let's face it you are doing it for mom. But I will talk to you the throughout your entire session, and crack some jokes, to help you relax and become more comfortable, get real smiles and expressions, and to create a connection with you. In the end I guarantee you will say it was not that bad. Or maybe even that you had fun:) I love doting over my seniors, making them feel special, and sharing this exciting time with them.

  • My Expertise. I didn't just pick up a camera one day and decided to take pictures. It took a lot of dedication and determination to learn my camera, to learn lighting, how to pose, how to edit. I am 10 years into this now and I look back where I started and cringe. But that work has paid off, and I am confident that I will deliver a product that you desire.

  • My Creativity. What looks good. How to achieve sun flare. How to position clients. That fence that is old and rusty may not be the ideal background to some, but the right angle and positioning of the subject and it can make a unique and amazing image.

  • My Time. We all know how valuable our time is. We are pulled in so many different directions on a daily basis. But when I photograph my clients I do not do quick. No I won't keep you there for hours, but I take the time to get to know you and what you are looking for in you pictures. I pay attention to details; your hair, your outfit, the background, the angles, the light. I work hard to build a connection and a rapport with my clients; I don't want them to feel rushed or like they are just another senior, or family that I take pictures for.

Senior girl summer

What my seniors get with their session fee when they book a session with me....

  • A senior style inspiration guide created by yours truly that is packed full of information to help you prepare

  • pre session consultation

  • 2 hours of photographing time

  • up to 2 locations

  • 3-4 wardrobe changes

  • changing room for privacy

  • access to EMP Senior closet - accessories for you to use to enhance your style

  • a unique video reel of your experience to share on social media

  • professional editing of your images

  • online viewing gallery

  • Bonus picture with parent/ guardian(s) free of charge

Optional additions (additional fee applies)

  • Exclusive access to studio 222 for hair and make up the day of your session

  • a professional hair and make up stylist that will be on site at your session to freshen up make up, change hair styles, and keep you looking polished and your absolute best.

Have questions? I am here to help! Click here to contact me

Heard enough and it's time to book your senior experience? Click here

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